B. The use of simple present
5. Guru menunjukan kalimat- kalimat “simple present tense” dalam teks
6. Guru menjelaskan kata- kata sukar dengan menggunakan berbagai teknik, salah satunya dengan menggunakan arti kata yang sudah ada di dalam teks.
· Vocabulary
o Nouns
1. Egypt
2. Sea
3. Sky
4. Grass
5. Trees
6. Flowers
o Adjective
1. Beautiful
2. Biggest
3. Kind
4. Polite
5. Green
6. Old
o Verbs
1. Is
2. Visit
3. See
4. Looks
5. Catch
6. Wait
7. Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara menemukan ide utama di dalam teks (dengan menjawab pertanyaan “What is the text about ?” )
8. Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara menemukan informasi rinci di dalam teks (dengan menjawab 5W+ 1H )
9. Guru menjelaskan bagaimana cara menemukan informasi tersirat di dalam teks
C. Joint Construction
1. Guru memerintahkan siswa berkelompok 3 orang mengidentifikasi deskriptif teks
2. Siswa diberikan teks (handout 2)
My city, Huanzu, is a famous and beautiful city in China, and it is famous all over the world. It is set between the river and West Lake. Several hills spread around West Lake, and some mountains stand by the river. These give the city many beautiful scenes, and so Huanzu is famous for its beauty. It is beautiful in the spring when the trees bud green and the peach trees flower with their red blossoms. It is beautiful in the fall when the leaves turn yellow and red. And it is beautiful in the winter when the snow gives white clothes to the mountains. So Huanzu is beautiful all year. It is beautiful when the sunshine is bright because the hills make shadows in the lake. It is beautiful when the rain falls and makes the frogs rise from the lake. My city is always beautiful.
3. Siswa dalam grup yang terdiri dari 3 orang diminta;
i. Mengidentifikasi jenis teks dan bagian dari teks (Identify the identification sentence).
ii. Menyimpulkan isi teks (true false exercises).
iii. Menemukan ide utama dan informasi rinci (short answer).
iv. Menemukan sinonim dan antonim dari kata- kata yang terdapat di dalam teks (Sesuaikan waktunya).
D. Kegiatan Penutup (Independent construction activities)
1. Guru mereview cara pembuatan text descriptive.
2. Guru meminta siswa mengerjakan quiz tertulis secara mandiri.
Sambas is a small town in my Province, West Kalimantan. It is about 250 kilometers from Pontianak, the capital of West Kalimantan. The Sambas River flows through Sambas town. That makes the town green and beautiful. Most of the people in Sambas works as farmers or fishermen. The Sambas River is very important in their lives. A small market on the river bay sells food to the people who cannot go to the market in the center of the town. In Sambas, farmers plant rice in rice field, and grow coffee tree. The fishermen catch fish in the river.
Most of the population of Sambas are Muslim. There is an old mosque by the river near the palace of Sambas. This mosque was build by the King of Sambas. Friday is a holy day in Sambas, so the Muslim people go to the mosque, and they say their prayers. The people in Sambas love their town. They are very happy because Sambas is crowded with beautiful things.
1. Underline the identification sentence/ write down the identification sentence.
2. Underline the description sentence/ write down the description sentence.
True or False
1. Sambas is a big city in Pontianak.
2. There is a river which through the Sambas town.
3. Sambas is a green and beautiful town.
4. In Sambas people works as farmer and fishermen.
5. People who can not go to the market in the center of the town they go to the a smaller market near the river.
6. Sambass’ fishermen catch the fish in the river.
7. The king of sambas was build a mosque.
8. Most people in Sambas are Muslim.
9. There is a palace in Sambas.
10. Friday is holyday in Sambas.
Answer these question based on the text above !
1. What is the text about ?
2. What is the purpose of the text ?
3. How is the characteristics of Sambas ?
5. Alat dan Sumber belajar
1. Text
2. Gambar-gambar atau benda-benda yang berkaitan dengan materi ajar
3. Buku-buku lain yang relevan
4. Daftar kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan materi
6. Penilaian
a. Teknik : Menghasilkan ungkapan secara tertulis
b. Bentuk : Pertanyaan tertulis
c. Instrument :
Observe gambar handout 2 terlampir
d. Pedoman Penilaian
1. Untuk nomor I, jawaban benar dikali 2
2. Untuk nomor II, jawaban berdasarkan rubric penilaian tersaji
3. Jumlah skor maksimal
I. 2 x 5 = 10
II. 1 x 10 = 10
III. 1 x 10 = 10
Jumlah = 30
4. Nilai siswa = Jumlah skor perolehan
E.Rubrik Penilaian
No | Uraian | Skor |
I | Setiap jawaban yang benar Setiap jawaban yang salah / tidak dijawab | 2 0 |
No. | Kriteria | Spesifikasi | Skor | Total |
II | Isi | Ide Utama | 4 | 4 |
| Organisasi | Kejelasan dan Koherensi | 2 0.5 | 2.5 |
| Kosakata | Diksi | 1.5 | 1.5 |
| Tata bahasa | Susunan kata Tense | 1.2 0.3 | 1.5 |
| Mekanisme | Tanda baca Kapitalisasi Ejaan | 0.2 0.1 0.2 | 0.5 |
| Total | 10 |